Deployable Monitoring Station Certifications
Gastronics’ Deployable Monitoring Station is the ideal portable solution for monitoring toxic and combustible gas in hazardous environments. This stand-alone, versatile gas and flame monitoring station is suitable for use in Class 1 Division 2 hazardous locations. The monitoring station is designed to be a plug and play quick install for easy deployment, and can also be broken down to store in a transportable travel case.
Class 1 Division 2 Solar Power
The station is powered by a UL/CSA Certified Class I, Division 2 (Non-Incendive) Solar Package designed with quick disconnect cables to allow fast setup and mobilization. The mini solar package is available for 12 volts DC and the larger package is available for both 12 and 24VDC outputs with battery options for 13 and 36 amps. Operational temperature ranges are available from -40 to 60℃.
Dual Gas Sensors plus I/O
The Gastronics True Wireless Gas Detector accommodates two gas sensor inputs along with multiple analog inputs and relay outputs. Sensor input 1 will accept voltage, bridge, and digital type sensors such as infrared, photo ionization detector, catalytic, and molecular property spectrometer (MPS). Sensor input 2 will accept electrochemical type sensors such as Ammonia, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Fluoride, Hydrogen Sulfide, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxygen, Phosgene, Phosphine, and Sulfur Dioxide.
Remote Data and Alarm Reporting
The Gastronic True Wireless Gas Monitoring System can be used to communicate remote gas readings, alarm, and system statuses via Modbus RTU/TCP to a plant DCS, SCADA Software, and Dispersion Modeling Software. As an option, the Gastronics controller can communicate with the Gastrac™ Smart Phone App, putting real time data and alarms in the palm of your hand.
Quality Control & Customer Support
Gastronics is a certified ISO 9001:2015 company and applies stringent functional Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) to ensure our systems will operate with maximum confidence and performance. We understand the importance of good communication and prompt customer support. We don’t employ ticket systems as we know how they can be very frustrating, but instead strive to address the customer needs at the time of call.
To learn more about the Gastronics Deployable Monitoring Station, contact us through our website here or give us a call at (216) 662-4899.
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