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MPS Gas Transmitter READ MORE TrueLEL™ - Accurately measures over 14 gases with one sensor.

No Calibration Required
The Pioneer in Wireless Gas Detection READ MORE Gastronics, Inc. began in 1997 developing combustible and toxic gas monitors and licensed radio telemetry systems for industry. In 1999, Gastronics pioneered the wireless gas monitor by proceeding to develop what is now known as True Wireless Gas Detection. True Wireless READ MORE True Wireless has become a standard for many companies due to it's high reliability and significant cost savings. True Wireless Gas Detection is available for both licensed UHF/VHF frequencies and non-licensed 900MHz/2.4GHz MESH Frequencies. Radio Telemetry Systems READ MORE Gastronics Radio Telemetry Systems consist of complete RTU's that use a windows based programming software with a complete library of Controls, Statistics, Communications, Ladder Logic, I/O, Math, Tables and more.